Thursday, 30 July 2020 01:55

3 Reasons You Need To Try An SPM Supplement

Everyone knows that there are all kinds of unique supplements out on the market today, and each one serves a specific function and offers unique health benefits. In recent years, a highly specialized supplement has come to the forefront of the public interest. People everywhere are starting to integrate an SPM supplement into their daily diets. While these supplements are mainly used as for anti-inflammatory purposes, they can be adopted for a variety of reasons.

We wanted to examine some of the most common benefits that a supplement, like Pure Formula’s SPM Vital, can offer you. If you’re looking to improve your health and well-being, you’re in the right place.

Brief Recap: What Are SPMs?

Specialized pro-resolving mediators, otherwise known as SPMs, are cell signaling molecules that are formed within your cells through the metabolism of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). The resulting metabolites from PUFAs like n-3 DPA and Arachidonic acid (AA) work mainly as anti-inflammatories, but they also serve other functions. These metabolites include Lipoxins, Resolvins, Protectins, and Maresins.

Simply put, SPMs send a signal to the immune system to stop inflammation in the body before it gets out of control. This cell signaling ability is a vital part of the healing process. It’s also been shown that SPMs can help reduce pain throughout the body in addition to their healing functions.

Now that we have a clearer picture of specialized pro-resolving mediators, let’s dive into how an SPM supplement can benefit you.

Improve Your Body’s Inflammatory Resolution

For decades, the consensus across the scientific community was that inflammation resolution was a passive process. However, that assumption has been challenged in recent years. Emerging research has suggested that inflammation resolution is actually an active process that depends on adequate SPM production (British Journal of Pharmacology). Without enough SPMs, you can hinder your body’s natural recovery process.

When you’ve got a steady supply of the building blocks for SPMs, your body will be well-prepared for any instances of inflammation. A supplement, like Pure Formula’s SPM Vital, will help you get a more efficient and complete resolution to your inflammation issues. What could be better than that?

Enjoy Better Fitness From Improved Workouts

While SPMs work to quell inflammation in the body, evidence suggests that they may additionally work to support your physical fitness. In fact, research published in the American Journal of Physiology has shown that a supplement for SPMs can help reduce normal exercise-related pains before and after workouts. It is additionally possible that the daily supplementation of SPM Vital can lead to:

  • Reductions in bodily discomfort after a typical workout

  • And improvements in mood, mental clarity, stress, and fatigue

But the fitness benefits don’t stop there. Additional research has also shown a correlation between low SPM production to excess body fat (Diabetes). Of course, plenty of factors influence weight regulation such as diet, metabolism, and exercise. However, if you’re looking to keep weight off during your fitness journey, remember to include a supplement for SPMs in your diet.

Support For Many Health Issues

While SPMs are produced for inflammation-resolution, they may offer additional support for your health in other ways. Research has shown that SPMs may play supportive roles in microbial defense, organ protection, tissue regeneration, neurobiology-cognition, and many other bodily efficiencies (Science Direct). This means it’s possible that an SPM supplement can offer support for, and mitigate the symptoms of:

Pure Formulas – SPM Vital, a high-quality SPM supplement.

Additional evidence suggests that SPMs may even encourage your immune cells to be more protective and negate the downsides of environmental stressors.

Overall, it’s abundantly clear that SPMs play vital roles in your health and well-being.

Try SPM Vital: A Leading SPM Supplement

If you’re interested in leveraging the power of specialized pro-resolving mediators, then consider trying Pure Formula’s SPM Vital. This unique supplement features a combination of 3 highly potent specialized pro-resolving mediators to support your health and well-being. With that daily support, you’ll have the right metabolites to support a healthier inflammatory response and you’ll be able to take advantage of the other benefits outlined above.

Order your first batch of SPM Vital today to quell your inflammation and start improving your well-being.

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