Sunday, 26 April 2020 08:00

What Can A Vitamin D Supplement Offer You?

Often referred to as the "sunshine vitamin," vitamin D is essential to your overall health and well-being. Vitamin D acquired it’s catchy nickname because this micronutrient is produced within your skin in response to direct sunlight exposure. This sunshine vitamin plays an integral role in numerous important bodily functions and efficiencies. Unfortunately, many Americans routinely fail to meet their recommended daily doses of vitamin D. This nutritional gap can often lead to vitamin D deficiencies which can bring about many other health problems and concerns. With vitamin D supplementation, can give your body the boost it needs and support your health in many other ways. Let’s discuss the reasons why you may need to take a daily vitamin D supplement.

How Much Vitamin D Do You Really Need?

The scientific community measures vitamin D in International Units (IU). Most nutritionists recommend different daily doses of vitamin D depending on the patients’ age (MayoClinic). For instance, it’s recommended that children up to the age of 12 months get roughly 400 IU of vitamin D every day. Meanwhile it’s recommended that’s individuals from 1 to 70 years of age intake roughly 600 IU of vitamin D on a daily basis. And that recommended daily dosage increases to approximately 800 IU of vitamin D every day for those past the 70 year mark.

While direct sunlight can help you get your daily dose of vitamin D, you won’t always reach that recommended level. Did you know that there are numerous factors which can impact your ability to get vitamin D from the sun? In fact, your vitamin D levels can be greatly influenced by:

  • The latitude of where you live.

  • The air pollution of your geographic area.

  • Your use of sunscreen.

  • The color of your skin.

  • And even your weight.

Due to these factors, it is difficult for health experts to outline a definitive “time limit” for how long you need to be in direct sunlight to get enough vitamin D. That said, most health experts believe that people need at least 30 minutes of midday sunlight several times a week to get enough vitamin D (Healthline). That’s not always the easiest method for everyone though. A vitamin D supplement could be the perfect way to achieve your recommended vitamin D dosage, no matter where you live.

How A Vitamin D Supplement Can Benefit You

When you’re looking for a vitamin D supplement, there are clearly plenty of options out there. As you compare your options, you should really look for a supplement that can provide an abundance of vitamin D. Each softgel of Nature Made’s Vitamin D3 1000 IU, for instance, contains 1,000 IU, which is more than enough vitamin D to meet your daily needs as an adult.

What exactly can a vitamin D supplement offer you? Let’s dive into some of the most significant health benefits that these kinds of supplements can provide.

Improve Your Mental Health

Your mental wellbeing is important, and while there are plenty of activities that may benefit your mental health, you can’t forget about your nutrition. Many essential vitamins and minerals are integral to maintaining a healthy mindset. As it turns out, vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins to include in your diet for your mental health.

Clinical research published in the Journal of Internal Medicine has shown that vitamin D supplementation can regulate your mood and ward off depression. Further research published in the journal of Clinical Rheumatology has additionally correlated vitamin D deficiencies with stronger symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Given this research, it’s clear that a vitamin D supplement can make a monumental difference in your mental wellbeing.

Protect Against Respiratory Infections

Nature Made – Vitamin D3 1000 IU – A high-quality vitamin d supplement.

We all know that vitamin D can boost your immune system, but it may come as a surprise to learn it can also combat respiratory infections. One review of 25 randomized controlled trials involving over 11,000 participants came to that kind of conclusion. That research review, published in the British Medical Journal, found that vitamin D supplementation helped reduce the risk for respiratory infections by at least 12 percent. Additional research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has also documented that vitamin D can help reduce your likelihood of catching and developing the flu.

What exactly do these pieces of scientific research show? These studies have essentially illuminated the boosting power that vitamin D can offer your immune system. If you catch colds frequently or suffer through the flu every fall, then you might benefit greatly from a vitamin D supplement.

Fight Off Diseases

In our hectic world, your immune system needs all the support that it can get. Vitamin D is an essential player in your immune system and its role could be more significant than you realize. Many studies have shown that vitamin D may play a key role in the fight against multiple diseases. Current findings have suggested that an occasional vitamin D supplement can help:

Researchers are continuing to study the impacts of vitamin D supplementation. However, it’s clear that his tiny micronutrient plays a big role in your overall health and well-being. Grab your first vitamin D supplement today to start experiencing these health benefits for yourself.

GNC Vitamin D-3 Soft Chews 1000 IU - High-quality vitamin d supplementation.

Boost Your Health With Effective Vitamin D Supplementation

You can’t ignore your body’s need for vitamin D! It’s an important building block for your bodily functions, and a vitamin D deficiency is the last thing that you need. If you’re looking to give your health a much needed boost, then it’s time to invest in effective vitamin D supplementation.

Start boosting your health today by ordering your first batch of Nature Made’s Vitamin D3 1000 IU or GNC’s Vitamin D-3 Soft Chews!

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